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Why SuperX is the Twitter/𝕏 Analytics Tool You Didn't Know You Needed

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I've been using SuperX for about a month now, and honestly, I’m hooked.

During my last break from Twitter/𝕏, I decided to stop paying Elon for premium features - just didn’t see the point. When I came back, I wasn't feeling the $8 price tag for premium X, so I went with the lowest tier instead, mainly for long posts and bold/italic text.

That’s when I stumbled upon SuperX, and it’s been a game-changer for me, especially since I no longer get the native analytics.

Here’s why I’m loving it:

The Activities Tab:

SuperX Activities Tab

This tab is like having a GitHub-style streak tracker for Twitter/𝕏. It’s visual, which I love. I can click on any day to see exactly what I did that day. It also gives me a clean, quick glance at my metrics over the last few days. The charts are beautiful.

Bonus: You can share these charts as really slick images, which is a nice touch.

I use it mainly to see what I did.

The Tweets Tab:

SuperX Tweets Tab

This is where I geek out. The table format is awesomeβ€”it shows all my tweets and their metrics in one place. I can hover on a row to see the whole tweet right there.

Plus, I can sort them however I want with just a click.

I recently had my first tweet with over 2k views. (I know 2k is nothing for many of you. But for me, it’s BIG and it’s FIRST.)

I use it mainly to see what I did and to check out what kind of tweets work for other people.

The Interactions Tab:

SuperX Tweets Tab

This is brilliant on so many levels. I’m a visual person; I want to see faces of people who’ve interacted with me. So seeing the faces of people who’ve interacted with me, along with the count, is incredibly useful. Let’s be honest, Twitter/𝕏’s "For You" section is a mess, filled with random stuff I don’t care about. But with this tab, I can keep track of the people who actually engage with me, without missing anyone important.

It reminds me of people who haven't come on my feed. Helps me go to their profile and check what's going on.

TLDR; How SuperX Has Made My Life Easier:

  • Staying Active: I’m more consistent on Twitter/𝕏, interacting with the people I care about.
  • Saving Time: All the info I need is right there, without having to dig through profiles or endless feeds. It saves me tons of time.
  • Better Engagement: I don’t miss out on important interactions anymore. Everything I need to see is front and center in the Interactions tab.

So thank you to Tibo and Hieu for making this.