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Twitter Algorithm 2024 Explained: Why Big Accounts Lose Engagement

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Noticed how major Twitter accounts aren’t getting the same buzz they used to?

Posts are now barely reaching 5–10% of their audience.

I stumbled on Tibo’s tweet, and it makes so much sense.

It turns out, every social media site, Twitter included, is trying to mimic TikTok.

What matters now isn’t the account size or past clout.

It’s all about the content’s impact.

Think of it like concentric circles. Or, as Daniel Craig might put it—onions.

The Logic

Imagine you're at the center, surrounded by concentric circles of your audience.

When you tweet, it initially reaches Circle A—your most engaged followers, the ones most likely to like, retweet, or comment.

If they engage, your tweet expands to Circle B, a larger group but less connected to you. The process continues through Circles C, D, and so on.

And the catch is that if your tweet doesn’t make an impact in Circle A, it stalls. It’s essentially dead.

Twitter algoritm concentric circles
So forget about reaching a broad audience right away. Focus on engaging your core audience first. That’s where it starts.

Why Big Accounts Are Struggling

You’d think that with millions of followers, big accounts would have it easy. Not anymore.

The algorithm prioritizes engagement, so even huge accounts need to capture Circle A’s interest to reach Circle B. Here’s the issue: large accounts often have a diverse audience. Followers join for various reasons, and not every tweet resonates with everyone.

When a tweet fails to connect with that core circle, it flounders. This means fewer likes, fewer retweets, and a sharp drop in engagement—even for the biggest accounts.

The Secret to Breaking Through

So, what’s the game plan? Focus on your first circle.

Consider using a tool like SuperX to identify and engage your immediate circle. I’ve written a detailed post about this chrome extension — it's free and genuinely useful!

The people who see your tweets first are crucial. If your tweet resonates with them, it stands a better chance of spreading further. If not, it’s game over.

Here’s how to play it smart:

Target your content: Don’t try to please everyone—speak directly to those most likely to engage. That’s Circle A.

Be consistent: More interaction from your core circle boosts your “account score,” making it more likely that future tweets will be seen by more people.

Understand your audience: Know who your core followers are and tailor your content to them. A broad, unfocused audience won’t be as effective.

That’s why small, niche accounts can outperform larger ones—they’re focused on their immediate circle, and Twitter’s algorithm rewards that.

Even a brand new account can go viral with the right content.

So if you’re thinking that it is too late to join the game? - it’s not. Jump in, create great content, and you could go viral.


Twitter engagement

Check out SuperX if you're interested in seeing how it can help. They have a video explaining everything on their website.